Thursday, June 11, 2015

Period 6 - Final Exam

  1. What is your favorite animated film? The film can be an animated short or a feature film. (10) 
    • My favorite animated film is "The Lego Movie"
  1. Give three reasons that this film is your favorite (10) For many reasons, if I had to just name 3, these would be them:
    • It is funny, and most people can relate to its characters and plot.
    • It takes old, loved things (Lego) and adds some fun to them.
    • Its just an awesome film that mixes comedy, adventure, new stuff (animating things with Lego's)
  1. What is your teacher's favorite animated series? (5)
    • I think there might be a big/strong chance it is Peanuts.
  1. How did choose your answer? (5)  
    • It is because it is clearly stated hereAs evidently stated in one of his posts, Movie Monday - Charles Schulz, he states that " I loved Peanuts when I was the age that my children are now. I still enjoy reading the comic strip and watching the animated programs."
  1. Give three reasons that your teacher likes the series. (10) 
  • I feel like I will probably never know exactly why, but I think it's because of the silliness of the series and how much of his childhood it reminds him of.
  1. What was your best work this year? Describe the work (10) 
    • I think my best work this year is my "Beginning Credits" animation which is the opening credits for Movie that we were making at the time. It involved moving 
  1. Write a one paragraph summary of your last animation. (10) When I set out to make a totally new character, I wanted to do something much different. I wanted to make a balloon. I think I succeeded in making a fun character that I liked and enjoyed animating. It is about a balloon named Herb who feels depressed about not having any friends and gets popped by a sewing needle. The End. End of story.
  2. Add a working link to the last animation project. (10) here.
  3. List three things you did well on this project. (10) I feel like I did a good job making a new character and establishing him/introducing him into the animation in the beginning. I also 
  4. Who created your favorite final project in Period 6? (5) My favorite Final Project was Adon's final animation.
  5. What are your responsibilities in a digital classroom? (5)
 As previously established here:
  • On time.
  •  On task.
  •  Ready to work
  •  Do your own work... have your sketch book ready every day
  • .Be helpful Participate in class; participate with your group Problem Solve/ Identify Problems

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project - Proposal

1. I will be working on a project by the name of "The *Interesting* Life of a Balloon". This is the story of a lonely balloon by the name of Herb that finds a friend and becomes happy. He also changes color based on his mood. He rapidly changes color when surprised. The logline of this story is: An unusual being with human feelings goes through the happy feeling of finding a good friend.
2. The characters that will make an appearance are (not in order):

  • Herb.
  • Dwayne the Rock.
3. I will be using Adobe Flash (Action Script 3.0) to animate. The visuals will 100% mine. I will use a microphone to add audio into my file.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

*Revisited* 3 Act Stoty + Logline

*New!*Title: Come Back Here, Balloon!
Logline: 3 Friends lose a balloon, then the 4th friend comes to rescue and saves more than just the balloon.
Act 1 (Setup): Jack, Fred, and Efuru have one balloon left over from the party the day prior. They love the balloon with their life.
Act 2 (Confrontation): They give the balloon to Jack the Book Worm and he accidently lets it go. They get so mad at him, and nearly stomp on him out of anger.
Act 3 (Resolution): Vomer Groner comes and stops them from killing Jack and got them a new balloon.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Beginning Credits

Here is the beginning credits! I really worked hard on these! Thanks!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Text in Flash...Do You Deserve a High Five?

Here is my Text in Flash Animation:

The fonts used are (in order of use):
  1. Vijaya
  2. Wide Latin
  3. Leelawadee
  4. FreesiaUPC
  5. JasmineUPC
The Colors in use are (in order):
  1. #990000
  2. #CC33FF
  3. #339900
  4. #CC0033
  5. #0000FF