Friday, January 23, 2015

Semester 1 Final (#18)

Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical,   
or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin   
Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or   
organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length   
and width.  
Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls,   
cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms.   
Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects is often 
called negative space; negative space has shape. Space can also refer to the 
feeling of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in visual art, when we create 
the feeling or illusion of depth, we call it space. 
Color is light reflected off of objects. 
Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or   
smooth, soft or hard. 
Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable. 
Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer’s attention. Usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. 
Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art.  
Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art 
Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.  
Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. When drawing the human figure, proportion can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body. 
Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and active, variety is essential. 
Variety is the use of several elements of design to hold the viewer’s attention and to guide the viewer’s eye through and around the work of art.  
Unity is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a sense of completeness.  
(Programs used: Microsoft Paint) 
3. What were Alice's Wonderland films?
Alice's Wonderland was originally from the Alice Comedies. Alice Comedies were a series of shorts that starred an actual living main character in animated backgrounds.

 4. In 1928, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
 Steamboat Willie, and it was the first ever film with sound/soundtrack/music.

5. In 1932, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Flowers and Trees, the first cartoon in three-strip Technicolor film(the first ever film with colors).

6. In 1937, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first ever full-length animated film with color and sound.

 7.When was Pinocchio Released?
February 9, 1940

I have been working on my 2D Animation Projects (Principles of Design, Elements of Art) very hard since they were assigned and I very much believe that a 50/100 is much too low for the work I put in. The reasons are as follow:
1. I have put in a lot of time into these two projects and have gave 100% of my effort to complete them so 50% surly isn't what I deserve.
2. I worked very hard on this assignment and thus, I don't deserve 50%.
3. I think that I did very good on this assignment and deserve better than 50%.
I think the score that best describes my effort and hard work for this project is 96%.

History Questions Related to Animation

1. What were Alice's Wonderland films?
Alice's Wonderland was originally from the Alice Comedies. Alice Comedies were a series of shorts that starred an actual living main character in animated backgrounds.

 2. In 1928, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
 Steamboat Willie, and it was the first ever film with sound/soundtrack/music.

3. In 1932, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Flowers and Trees, the first cartoon in three-strip Technicolor film(the first ever film with colors).

4. In 1937, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first ever full-length animated film with color and sound.

 5.When was Pinocchio Released?
February 9, 1940

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Elements of Art

Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical,   
or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin   
Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or   
organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length   
and width.  
Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls,   
cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms.   
Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects is often 
called negative space; negative space has shape. Space can also refer to the 
feeling of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in visual art, when we create 
the feeling or illusion of depth, we call it space. 
Color is light reflected off of objects. 
Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or   
smooth, soft or hard. 