Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project - Proposal

1. I will be working on a project by the name of "The *Interesting* Life of a Balloon". This is the story of a lonely balloon by the name of Herb that finds a friend and becomes happy. He also changes color based on his mood. He rapidly changes color when surprised. The logline of this story is: An unusual being with human feelings goes through the happy feeling of finding a good friend.
2. The characters that will make an appearance are (not in order):

  • Herb.
  • Dwayne the Rock.
3. I will be using Adobe Flash (Action Script 3.0) to animate. The visuals will 100% mine. I will use a microphone to add audio into my file.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

*Revisited* 3 Act Stoty + Logline

*New!*Title: Come Back Here, Balloon!
Logline: 3 Friends lose a balloon, then the 4th friend comes to rescue and saves more than just the balloon.
Act 1 (Setup): Jack, Fred, and Efuru have one balloon left over from the party the day prior. They love the balloon with their life.
Act 2 (Confrontation): They give the balloon to Jack the Book Worm and he accidently lets it go. They get so mad at him, and nearly stomp on him out of anger.
Act 3 (Resolution): Vomer Groner comes and stops them from killing Jack and got them a new balloon.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Beginning Credits

Here is the beginning credits! I really worked hard on these! Thanks!