Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Vomer Meets With His Lifelong Buddies!

Vomer opens his eyes, its still dark out, but he could already hear his roommates up and about, getting ready for another day of soccer practice. For some odd reason, he felt like today he was going to do something that was going to change his life forever. He gets up to have breakfast and put on his clothes. 
All of a sudden, the assistant came in and told Vomer that the new headmaster was here to talk to him. Vomer frowned, he hadn't done anything wrong in these past couple weeks, but he didn't like this new headmaster, he preferred the old one as the old headmaster respected his "special condition". He went to the headmasters office to talk to him. The headmaster said "Why have you not ever told me about your condition? That you are a werewolf! I have no other option but to deport you to Casablanca!" Vomer was shocked! This was not at all what he had expected.  He went back to his dorm to pack up. The next day, he got on the plane and went to Casablanca Morocco. He hadn't much money so he went to the "Rusty Hotel". "Peace, Love and Abundance!" Vomer smiled and shook his head, "this world is full of very funny people" he thought.The next morning he went to the dining room, just as he started to think that it was going to be a normal day, the room became an inferno; people were running out. He was about to go out but he saw that the man that Vomer saw that morning in the Ferrari stuck beneath a fallen pillar. He rushes to help him and sees some other person helping out also. They get Afshine (the Ferrari guy) out and he apparently has Jack The Book Worm in his pocket. The person that helped Vomer was named Freddie. They became best friends after that, as there is a special relationship that forms when people help eachother in a life-death situation.

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