Monday, March 2, 2015

Dialog between Spock and Vomer

While on The Spaceship Enterprise
Vomer: Hello?
Spock: Hi. How may I be of assistance?
Vomer: Umm...How are you?
Spock: I'm am doing well indeed. How was your day?
Vomer: It was cool, played some soccer and won!
Spock: Soccer? The sport that involves running around in shorts trying to kick a ball with only your feet into a net?
Vomer: Umm...I thing thats the one. You should try it out someday, it gets really fun after learning how to play.
Spock: I have no time for these measly games. If you excuse me I have a lot of work to do.
Vomer: What was that?!
Spock: It was the sound of missiles hitting our engines. We are going down.
Vomer: Noo! I don't want to die!
[Spock types calmly on his computer]
Spock: There is no way that any of us are going to live this out. There is simply no way that The Enterprise is going to not crash. Based on my calculations, no one can survive a crash a big as the on e we are about to experience.
Vomer: Do something!
Spock: Don't you understand, there is no way that could save us. But there is one other choice.

Vomer: What?! Please hurry!
Spock: If you don't want to die in the explosion, I could override the system and schedule a self destruct.

Vomer: What?! No! So you would kill all the innocent crew members on this ship?!
Spock: Well, it is cleaner than exploding on impact with a planet. Also, the residents of that planet won't get hurt or killed from our explosion.

Vomer: No. There must be a way! Im going to try to save the Enterprise and you're coming with me.
Spock: Again, there is no way to survive but ill come with you to see how you do.
Vomer: We'll see about that.
[Vomer and Spock rushes out of control room into the engine room]
Workers: What do you want, cant you see we are busy?! We are in a crisis!
Vomer: Well, I'm here to help!
Workers: Lets see what you can do.
Vomer: Ok Spock, lets do this!
Spock: Again, there is ...
Vomer: SHUT UP! Why don't you have any hope?!
Spock: Hope doesn't change anything.
[Vomer working furiously on engine and engine comes back to life]
Vomer: Yes! It worked.
Spock: Ok, good for you. But if you don't mind, I still have work to do.
[Spock leaves the engine room]
Vomer: Haha, Once Spock, Always Spock.

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