Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Justice League Questions + Suggestions

Here are 10 questions about the Justice League episode that we watched today for Mason and Emily:
  1. What was your favorite part of this episode?
  2. Who was your favorite character in this episode?
  3. Overall, did you enjoy watching this?
  4. What was your least favorite part?
  5. Were there any parts you didn't understand?
  6. Who is your favorite superhero in the Justice League?
  7. What is your favorite episode?
  8. Why was Ares wanting to cause problems?
  9. What part got you hooked onto this episode?
  10. Would you watch any more of these episodes?
Bonus: In my opinion, the way how to make this animation better is to make the character personality more rock solid. For example, Ares is supposed to be very bad and not the person to just quite after he gets problems, but that is just what he did in the end.

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