Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Artistic Review - Green Lantern Animation

Green Lantern is a very important character in Animation/Comic culture and he was portrayed in his very best in Green Lantern: The Animated Series from DC Comics. Green Lantern has evolved a lot since he was first unveiled with all the other big-boy superheroes in 1940. This superb computer animation mixes a bit of romance with action, fear, and adventure. In class, we watched the first two episodes and I was bombshells by the passion and animation detail and appeal. The first episode starts off with an action/firefight then the death of a Green Lantern. It also gives some background info and establishes the personalities of the characters (Jordan as romantic, funny, and willing to do stuff for his fellow GLs). The characters were very well balanced and overall, the first two episodes were probably the best "Animated" take on a loved TV series.
"I am not a friend, I am evil, I am vengeance, I am death" These are the words shouted by a Red Lantern at a Green Lantern after a he tries to help him under the false assumption that he is hurt. The Green Lantern then gets into a firefight and tragically killed by the Red Lanterns The reason this quote is very important in this animated short is because it makes the audience (and me!) very infuriated and frustrated at the duplicity of the Red Rangers. These Episodes are very well paced and the transitions between the actions are state-of-the-art. These animations also connect with modern day technologies such as AIs.
"Green Lanterns risk their lives to save the lives of others". This is a quote by Jordan when he is aboard the ship with the new green power technology. He is speaking with an AI called Aya and convinces her to start the space warp even when she says it is not safe as the protocol still hasn't finished calculating. This AI is so advanced it just makes the audience exited, it has feelings, emotions and much more stuff. This animated episode has some unpolished corners although.
There are some parts of these animated shorts that are a bit cheesy and created for the younger audience. It wouldn't hurt to work a bit more on the personalities of some of the characters. 
Overall, these two first episodes were probably the best ever animated take on a loved TV/Comic superhero. These animated episodes are 100% worth your time and money. I was surprised by the detail and passion obviously put into the animations and plots. These animated episodes are appropriate for ALL age groups that love animation, action, and adventure!

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