Monday, March 9, 2015

Movie Monday Privacy and Vulnerability Homework

  1. What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Empathy is when you put yourself in the other person's shoes and show your feeling for them, going into the dark black hole and telling them, I've been here before, and Ive lived it out, so you could too. Sympathy on the other hand is just peaking into the dark hole  and saying "at least ..." and not really going into their shoes and giving them an emotional reflection.
  2. What does Brene Brown mean by "silver lining it?" She means just covering it up, but not actually helping them getting rid of it. The sadness/depression would still be in there but just a bit covered up.
  3. What is one tip for writing about a character who is smarter than you? You have to always try to put yourself in he/shes shoes and walk around a bit to try to understand them.
  4. Share one internet meme (that is appropriate for this class). I've always wondered about this one!
  5. What three surveillance philosophers did Glenn Greenwald discuss during his presentation? Jeremy Bentham,  Michel Foucault, and George Orwell.
  6. Why does privacy matter even if you nothing wrong? Because even if you aren't doing anything bad, your privacy doesn't deserve to be exploited.
  7. Did Brene Brown originally like being called a story teller? Because when people hear "researcher" they think boring, but story teller sounds fun and good. Also, she actually does tell stories (data with soul) and researches it. 
  8. What did Brene Brown's research professor tell her? If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist.
  9. According to Brown, what is the difference between courage and bravery? Courage is the willingness to be the first  to do something out of the norms, and bravery is just being brave 
  10. Can you selectively numb feelings? No.

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