Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wonder Woman vs. Green Lantern

For the previous two Movie Monday , we watched both Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Wonder Woman. They were both very interesting but very different. First of all, there is a major difference in the animations, in Green Lantern the animations are continuous and very cartoony but in  Wonder Woman, they were very realistic. Now, lets move onto the actual protagonists in the animations. In GL, Lantern Alan doesn't operate alone, he is part of a greater network of GLs. WW on the other hand, she works/operates almost alone (even though she gets help from other friends and allies). Another obvious difference is that Green Lantern is big, strong, and a male but Wonder Woman on the other hand is sleek, good looking, and a female. There is something also related to the main protagonists in these animations, Green Lantern is a normal human that only gets his power from his Ring, but Wonder Woman gets all her *powers* from training and hard work. These are the major differences between the two characters.

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