Thursday, June 11, 2015

Period 6 - Final Exam

  1. What is your favorite animated film? The film can be an animated short or a feature film. (10) 
    • My favorite animated film is "The Lego Movie"
  1. Give three reasons that this film is your favorite (10) For many reasons, if I had to just name 3, these would be them:
    • It is funny, and most people can relate to its characters and plot.
    • It takes old, loved things (Lego) and adds some fun to them.
    • Its just an awesome film that mixes comedy, adventure, new stuff (animating things with Lego's)
  1. What is your teacher's favorite animated series? (5)
    • I think there might be a big/strong chance it is Peanuts.
  1. How did choose your answer? (5)  
    • It is because it is clearly stated hereAs evidently stated in one of his posts, Movie Monday - Charles Schulz, he states that " I loved Peanuts when I was the age that my children are now. I still enjoy reading the comic strip and watching the animated programs."
  1. Give three reasons that your teacher likes the series. (10) 
  • I feel like I will probably never know exactly why, but I think it's because of the silliness of the series and how much of his childhood it reminds him of.
  1. What was your best work this year? Describe the work (10) 
    • I think my best work this year is my "Beginning Credits" animation which is the opening credits for Movie that we were making at the time. It involved moving 
  1. Write a one paragraph summary of your last animation. (10) When I set out to make a totally new character, I wanted to do something much different. I wanted to make a balloon. I think I succeeded in making a fun character that I liked and enjoyed animating. It is about a balloon named Herb who feels depressed about not having any friends and gets popped by a sewing needle. The End. End of story.
  2. Add a working link to the last animation project. (10) here.
  3. List three things you did well on this project. (10) I feel like I did a good job making a new character and establishing him/introducing him into the animation in the beginning. I also 
  4. Who created your favorite final project in Period 6? (5) My favorite Final Project was Adon's final animation.
  5. What are your responsibilities in a digital classroom? (5)
 As previously established here:
  • On time.
  •  On task.
  •  Ready to work
  •  Do your own work... have your sketch book ready every day
  • .Be helpful Participate in class; participate with your group Problem Solve/ Identify Problems

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project - Proposal

1. I will be working on a project by the name of "The *Interesting* Life of a Balloon". This is the story of a lonely balloon by the name of Herb that finds a friend and becomes happy. He also changes color based on his mood. He rapidly changes color when surprised. The logline of this story is: An unusual being with human feelings goes through the happy feeling of finding a good friend.
2. The characters that will make an appearance are (not in order):

  • Herb.
  • Dwayne the Rock.
3. I will be using Adobe Flash (Action Script 3.0) to animate. The visuals will 100% mine. I will use a microphone to add audio into my file.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

*Revisited* 3 Act Stoty + Logline

*New!*Title: Come Back Here, Balloon!
Logline: 3 Friends lose a balloon, then the 4th friend comes to rescue and saves more than just the balloon.
Act 1 (Setup): Jack, Fred, and Efuru have one balloon left over from the party the day prior. They love the balloon with their life.
Act 2 (Confrontation): They give the balloon to Jack the Book Worm and he accidently lets it go. They get so mad at him, and nearly stomp on him out of anger.
Act 3 (Resolution): Vomer Groner comes and stops them from killing Jack and got them a new balloon.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Beginning Credits

Here is the beginning credits! I really worked hard on these! Thanks!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Text in Flash...Do You Deserve a High Five?

Here is my Text in Flash Animation:

The fonts used are (in order of use):
  1. Vijaya
  2. Wide Latin
  3. Leelawadee
  4. FreesiaUPC
  5. JasmineUPC
The Colors in use are (in order):
  1. #990000
  2. #CC33FF
  3. #339900
  4. #CC0033
  5. #0000FF

Monday, April 20, 2015

Identifying Sounds

Today for Movie Monday, we watched a few Tom and Jerry episodes. I have compiled a few (5) of my favorite sounds from them and what was actually used to make them.

  1. The Piano Music. This is quite obvious but I heard it a few times in the episodes, it is made with a Piano.
  2. The Smashing Sound. This is made most probably by wood snapping/cracking.
  3. The Intro Music. This is made with a guitar/trombone.
  4. The Fashion Song. You only hear this in the first episode but it sounds great. It is probably made by an orchestra.
  5. The Broken Guitar. When Tom gets the guitar snapped on his head, the sound is made by a spring.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Justice League Questions + Suggestions

Here are 10 questions about the Justice League episode that we watched today for Mason and Emily:
  1. What was your favorite part of this episode?
  2. Who was your favorite character in this episode?
  3. Overall, did you enjoy watching this?
  4. What was your least favorite part?
  5. Were there any parts you didn't understand?
  6. Who is your favorite superhero in the Justice League?
  7. What is your favorite episode?
  8. Why was Ares wanting to cause problems?
  9. What part got you hooked onto this episode?
  10. Would you watch any more of these episodes?
Bonus: In my opinion, the way how to make this animation better is to make the character personality more rock solid. For example, Ares is supposed to be very bad and not the person to just quite after he gets problems, but that is just what he did in the end.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jumping Frog Animation Questions.

  1. What action script did you use? I used ActionScript 3.0.
  2. Why did you choose it? Because it comes bundled with Adobe Flash.
  3. How did you trace the frog/toad? Can you include examples of your work in the blog post? I followed the instructions that were designated. 
  4. Who is the master animator Richard Williams? He is a Canadian American Animator
  5. How did you research him or her? Followed the live link to Wikipedia that was on the site. I also made a quick internet search for him.
  6. How large was your stage when you opened it? It was 650px by 400px.
  7. Which software did you use and why? I used Adobe Flash because it is a very useful animation software.
  8. How many layers did you use? I used 2 layers because that is all I need.
  9. Why did you choose your background? So that the jumping frog animation is apparent.
  10. Why did we create a frog/toad? (instead of a ball or entire city)  Because it is a good into to animation, movement and animation.
  11. How did you export? I went to File>Export>Export As Movie.
  12. How many frames did you create? About 25.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wonder Woman vs. Green Lantern

For the previous two Movie Monday , we watched both Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Wonder Woman. They were both very interesting but very different. First of all, there is a major difference in the animations, in Green Lantern the animations are continuous and very cartoony but in  Wonder Woman, they were very realistic. Now, lets move onto the actual protagonists in the animations. In GL, Lantern Alan doesn't operate alone, he is part of a greater network of GLs. WW on the other hand, she works/operates almost alone (even though she gets help from other friends and allies). Another obvious difference is that Green Lantern is big, strong, and a male but Wonder Woman on the other hand is sleek, good looking, and a female. There is something also related to the main protagonists in these animations, Green Lantern is a normal human that only gets his power from his Ring, but Wonder Woman gets all her *powers* from training and hard work. These are the major differences between the two characters.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Three Acts and Logline for Vomer Groner's Story

Logline: A young popular soccer star hangs out with his badminton loving friends (and an educated bookworm) with the impossible goal of making them love soccer.
Act 1 (Setup): This story starts off with a rainy park and an empty bench, then after the rain moves on, a book worm named Jack comes out into the park. Right after that Freddie and Afshine come to the park but Jack scares the living daylight out of Freddie as Freddie is scared of slimy creatures doing out of the mud.
Act 2 (Confrontation): Vomer Groner comes to the park as he is done with his soccer practice. He walks up juggling a soccer ball. He says "Sup" to all of his buddies and says, "Lets Play Ball!". They agree wholeheartedly as they are extremely bored. Vomer doesn't score any goals and passes all the balls he gets to his buddies to let them score and have fun.
Act 3 (Resolution): Vomer and his friends have a very good time and they don't even ask for him to come play some badminton with them. Mission Impossible has succeeded!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Artistic Review - Green Lantern Animation

Green Lantern is a very important character in Animation/Comic culture and he was portrayed in his very best in Green Lantern: The Animated Series from DC Comics. Green Lantern has evolved a lot since he was first unveiled with all the other big-boy superheroes in 1940. This superb computer animation mixes a bit of romance with action, fear, and adventure. In class, we watched the first two episodes and I was bombshells by the passion and animation detail and appeal. The first episode starts off with an action/firefight then the death of a Green Lantern. It also gives some background info and establishes the personalities of the characters (Jordan as romantic, funny, and willing to do stuff for his fellow GLs). The characters were very well balanced and overall, the first two episodes were probably the best "Animated" take on a loved TV series.
"I am not a friend, I am evil, I am vengeance, I am death" These are the words shouted by a Red Lantern at a Green Lantern after a he tries to help him under the false assumption that he is hurt. The Green Lantern then gets into a firefight and tragically killed by the Red Lanterns The reason this quote is very important in this animated short is because it makes the audience (and me!) very infuriated and frustrated at the duplicity of the Red Rangers. These Episodes are very well paced and the transitions between the actions are state-of-the-art. These animations also connect with modern day technologies such as AIs.
"Green Lanterns risk their lives to save the lives of others". This is a quote by Jordan when he is aboard the ship with the new green power technology. He is speaking with an AI called Aya and convinces her to start the space warp even when she says it is not safe as the protocol still hasn't finished calculating. This AI is so advanced it just makes the audience exited, it has feelings, emotions and much more stuff. This animated episode has some unpolished corners although.
There are some parts of these animated shorts that are a bit cheesy and created for the younger audience. It wouldn't hurt to work a bit more on the personalities of some of the characters. 
Overall, these two first episodes were probably the best ever animated take on a loved TV/Comic superhero. These animated episodes are 100% worth your time and money. I was surprised by the detail and passion obviously put into the animations and plots. These animated episodes are appropriate for ALL age groups that love animation, action, and adventure!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Movie Monday Privacy and Vulnerability Homework

  1. What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Empathy is when you put yourself in the other person's shoes and show your feeling for them, going into the dark black hole and telling them, I've been here before, and Ive lived it out, so you could too. Sympathy on the other hand is just peaking into the dark hole  and saying "at least ..." and not really going into their shoes and giving them an emotional reflection.
  2. What does Brene Brown mean by "silver lining it?" She means just covering it up, but not actually helping them getting rid of it. The sadness/depression would still be in there but just a bit covered up.
  3. What is one tip for writing about a character who is smarter than you? You have to always try to put yourself in he/shes shoes and walk around a bit to try to understand them.
  4. Share one internet meme (that is appropriate for this class). I've always wondered about this one!
  5. What three surveillance philosophers did Glenn Greenwald discuss during his presentation? Jeremy Bentham,  Michel Foucault, and George Orwell.
  6. Why does privacy matter even if you nothing wrong? Because even if you aren't doing anything bad, your privacy doesn't deserve to be exploited.
  7. Did Brene Brown originally like being called a story teller? Because when people hear "researcher" they think boring, but story teller sounds fun and good. Also, she actually does tell stories (data with soul) and researches it. 
  8. What did Brene Brown's research professor tell her? If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist.
  9. According to Brown, what is the difference between courage and bravery? Courage is the willingness to be the first  to do something out of the norms, and bravery is just being brave 
  10. Can you selectively numb feelings? No.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dialog between Spock and Vomer v3

Dialog between Spock and Vomer v3
While in the control room on The Spaceship Enterprise 
*Vomer Comes into the Command Room*
Spock: Greetings, Soccer Star. What brings you here today onto the Enterprise Controll Room?
Vomer: I wanted to check out the soccer scores of my favorite teams.
Spock: I want to ask you a question. 
Vomer: Ok, Fire away.
Spock: What I don't understand is why people love you even though they barely know you. It's in every way illogical because you might not even be a good person. 
Vomer: I think it is because of me being good at soccer. 
Spock: Still, even I don't judge people from how popular they are. I'm friends with you only because I like your personality and how you stand up for your friends.
Vomer: Thanks. But Spock, Just to get something straight, I never started playing soccer trying to become popular, I was just good at soccer, enjoyed it, and started playing professionally. 
Spock: Really? You never wanted to become famous? 
Vomer: Well, obviously I've always wanted to become popular but I didn't start off with the point of getting popular. 
Spock: Interesting, well if you don't mind, I have a lot of work I have to get caught up on some work if you don't mind. 
Vomer: Ok, can I use one of your monitors to check the soccer scores.
Spock: Ok.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dialog between Spock and Vomer v2

While in the control room on The Spaceship Enterprise
Vomer: Umm...hello Spock.
Spock: Greetings, Vomer.
Vomer: Wow! Spock, how did you know my name?
Spock: I see you play the game called soccer.
Vomer: Oh, cool. So...
*Worker Interrupts Conversation*
Vomer: *Blushes Slightly* Wow...Thanks Alot...It really means a lot to me.
Vomer: Nice! You know what, here you go, a signed jersey!
Worker: OMG! *Faints*
*Spock is staring at the worker with a weird look*
Spock: Umm...That was embarrassing. Sorry you've had to see that.
Vomer: Oh its nothing. I always deal with that stuff.
Spock: But what I don't understand is why people love you even though they barely know you.
Vomer: I think it is because of me being good at soccer. 
Spock: Still, even I don't judge people from how popular they are. Im friends with you only because I like your personality.
Vomer: Spock, I never started playing soccer trying to become popular, I was just good at soccer, enjoyed it, and started playing professionally.
Spock: Really? You never wanted to become famous?
Vomer: Well, obviously i've always wanted to become popular but I didn't start off with the point of getting popular.
Spock: Interesting, well if you don't mind, I have a lot of work I have to get caught up on some work if you dont mind.
Vomer: It was great speaking with you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Dialog between Spock and Vomer

While on The Spaceship Enterprise
Vomer: Hello?
Spock: Hi. How may I be of assistance?
Vomer: Umm...How are you?
Spock: I'm am doing well indeed. How was your day?
Vomer: It was cool, played some soccer and won!
Spock: Soccer? The sport that involves running around in shorts trying to kick a ball with only your feet into a net?
Vomer: Umm...I thing thats the one. You should try it out someday, it gets really fun after learning how to play.
Spock: I have no time for these measly games. If you excuse me I have a lot of work to do.
Vomer: What was that?!
Spock: It was the sound of missiles hitting our engines. We are going down.
Vomer: Noo! I don't want to die!
[Spock types calmly on his computer]
Spock: There is no way that any of us are going to live this out. There is simply no way that The Enterprise is going to not crash. Based on my calculations, no one can survive a crash a big as the on e we are about to experience.
Vomer: Do something!
Spock: Don't you understand, there is no way that could save us. But there is one other choice.

Vomer: What?! Please hurry!
Spock: If you don't want to die in the explosion, I could override the system and schedule a self destruct.

Vomer: What?! No! So you would kill all the innocent crew members on this ship?!
Spock: Well, it is cleaner than exploding on impact with a planet. Also, the residents of that planet won't get hurt or killed from our explosion.

Vomer: No. There must be a way! Im going to try to save the Enterprise and you're coming with me.
Spock: Again, there is no way to survive but ill come with you to see how you do.
Vomer: We'll see about that.
[Vomer and Spock rushes out of control room into the engine room]
Workers: What do you want, cant you see we are busy?! We are in a crisis!
Vomer: Well, I'm here to help!
Workers: Lets see what you can do.
Vomer: Ok Spock, lets do this!
Spock: Again, there is ...
Vomer: SHUT UP! Why don't you have any hope?!
Spock: Hope doesn't change anything.
[Vomer working furiously on engine and engine comes back to life]
Vomer: Yes! It worked.
Spock: Ok, good for you. But if you don't mind, I still have work to do.
[Spock leaves the engine room]
Vomer: Haha, Once Spock, Always Spock.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Vomer Meets With His Lifelong Buddies!

Vomer opens his eyes, its still dark out, but he could already hear his roommates up and about, getting ready for another day of soccer practice. For some odd reason, he felt like today he was going to do something that was going to change his life forever. He gets up to have breakfast and put on his clothes. 
All of a sudden, the assistant came in and told Vomer that the new headmaster was here to talk to him. Vomer frowned, he hadn't done anything wrong in these past couple weeks, but he didn't like this new headmaster, he preferred the old one as the old headmaster respected his "special condition". He went to the headmasters office to talk to him. The headmaster said "Why have you not ever told me about your condition? That you are a werewolf! I have no other option but to deport you to Casablanca!" Vomer was shocked! This was not at all what he had expected.  He went back to his dorm to pack up. The next day, he got on the plane and went to Casablanca Morocco. He hadn't much money so he went to the "Rusty Hotel". "Peace, Love and Abundance!" Vomer smiled and shook his head, "this world is full of very funny people" he thought.The next morning he went to the dining room, just as he started to think that it was going to be a normal day, the room became an inferno; people were running out. He was about to go out but he saw that the man that Vomer saw that morning in the Ferrari stuck beneath a fallen pillar. He rushes to help him and sees some other person helping out also. They get Afshine (the Ferrari guy) out and he apparently has Jack The Book Worm in his pocket. The person that helped Vomer was named Freddie. They became best friends after that, as there is a special relationship that forms when people help eachother in a life-death situation.

Vomer Groner's Epic Story

GOAL! Vomer scores the goal! In Berlin, Germany, they say 
ZEIL! when they score. The teachers came out into the courtyard to call the teenager soccer players back into the school because it was almost sunset. Vomer went back into the school and went to his dormitory to take a nap. He feels a sharp pain on his spine and fingers. Oh No! he thought, he looked out of the window and saw a full moon rising! He ran out of the school and ran as fast as he can into the forest to meet with his good old friend Halt, the potion master. On his way, he feels another painful jolt which makes him sprint even faster. He got to Halt's cabin only to find it closed and locked. Vomer was starting to panic now, he was alone in the forest going to transform and he wasn't locked away. Just as he thought all hope was gone, he remembered that there was a forgotten Dwarf Colony underground. He went running towards it and made it in just in time. He locked himself in and went through his extremely painful transformation into a werewolf. He woke up at 6:00 in the morning and made his way back to school!

Friday, February 13, 2015

16 Personalities - Character Development

I have answered the following questions about my character. Here they are:
  1. What is your character's name? Vomer Groner
  2. Where was your character born? On Pluto on Friday the 15th,1954.
  3. What is your character's theme song? The Harry Potter Theme Song
  4. How does your character get along with other characters? It depends, if they have a good personality, Vomer gets on very well with them. Otherwise, not really.
  5. What is your character's favorite movie? Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince.
  6. What is your character's favorite color? Jade
  7. What is your character's favorite hobby? Playing Soccer and making YouTube videos.
  8. What motivates your character? Getting positive feedback from people around him.
  9. Is your character honest? Does your character lie, cheat and steal? No, if he did, I don't know.
  10. Does your character feel emotions? Yes he does, especially for his close relatives and friends.
  11. Does your character know Mr. Richards? He has heard roomers about him.
  12. Does your character work for a living? (have a job) He works in the World Cheese Factory.
  13. Is your character afraid of ghosts? Is character a ghost? Vomer is a OBVIOUSLY a ghost, that's why in able to describe him to you.
  14. What scares your character? Getting disapproved/shunned out/kicked out by society
  15. Is your character superstitious? Yes, yes he is. That is why he is at home scared today (Friday the 13th)
  16. Who is your character's best friend? Charlie Brown
  17. How would your character's best friend describe your character? 3 Words: Weird, Funny, and Smart.
  18. Describe one of your characters biggest failures. Losing in chess against himself.
  19. Describe one of your characters biggest accomplishments. Finding the 12 Uses for Dragon Blood
  20. If your character could have dinner with three other characters, who would he or she choose? Homer Simpson, Snoopy, Popeye.
  21. Who is your character's favorite band or musician? The Beatles

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

5 Sketches!

In our 2D Animation Class, we had to do 5 drawing and here are mine!
1. Muybrige Drawing:
2. Snowman:
3. Epic Board Man:

4. My friend walking:
5. Katie Perry ROAR video:

Changing a (Great) Photo into a Pencil Drawing.

After! Drum roll Please! :

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Walking in MSJ

Walking in MSJ

Here is a short Animation done in Adobe Flash profecional using snapshots from VLC media player of me Walking in MSJ. Hope you enjoy!

8 Frames:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Semester 1 Final (#18)

Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical,   
or diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin   
Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or   
organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length   
and width.  
Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls,   
cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms.   
Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects is often 
called negative space; negative space has shape. Space can also refer to the 
feeling of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in visual art, when we create 
the feeling or illusion of depth, we call it space. 
Color is light reflected off of objects. 
Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or   
smooth, soft or hard. 
Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable. 
Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer’s attention. Usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. 
Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art.  
Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art 
Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.  
Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. When drawing the human figure, proportion can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body. 
Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and active, variety is essential. 
Variety is the use of several elements of design to hold the viewer’s attention and to guide the viewer’s eye through and around the work of art.  
Unity is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a sense of completeness.  
(Programs used: Microsoft Paint) 
3. What were Alice's Wonderland films?
Alice's Wonderland was originally from the Alice Comedies. Alice Comedies were a series of shorts that starred an actual living main character in animated backgrounds.

 4. In 1928, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
 Steamboat Willie, and it was the first ever film with sound/soundtrack/music.

5. In 1932, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Flowers and Trees, the first cartoon in three-strip Technicolor film(the first ever film with colors).

6. In 1937, what animated movie was released? What is it's significance to the history of animation?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first ever full-length animated film with color and sound.

 7.When was Pinocchio Released?
February 9, 1940

I have been working on my 2D Animation Projects (Principles of Design, Elements of Art) very hard since they were assigned and I very much believe that a 50/100 is much too low for the work I put in. The reasons are as follow:
1. I have put in a lot of time into these two projects and have gave 100% of my effort to complete them so 50% surly isn't what I deserve.
2. I worked very hard on this assignment and thus, I don't deserve 50%.
3. I think that I did very good on this assignment and deserve better than 50%.
I think the score that best describes my effort and hard work for this project is 96%.